Saturday, 25 February 2017

Wind energy

This week we have been learning about wind energy. We have learned about local turbine sites as well as some current sites in the pipeline. We have researched how much energy is produced in Scotland on average as well as exploring the advantages and disadvantages of wind turbines. We are planning to hold a class debate and create a for and against leaflet with our own views. 

First batch of orders complete

This week, we've worked our way through the first batch of orders. We took turns in ironing the designs and adding the labels to the bags. We have quality controlled the bags to make sure they are up to a standard. We've been delivering the bags around the school and community. 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Health and wellbeing - Healthy Me

We started our new health and wellbeing topic this week. We are learning about a healthy lifestyle and looking after our bodies. This weeks focus has been smoking. We undertook a smoking quiz in teams. We were quite surprised about some of the statistics. We then learned all about the effects smoking has in the body. 

Daily mile

We are continuing to get outside as much as we can, weather depending! We've had some bonny days recently and made the most of them. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Our launch event

We invited friends and family in to hear all about our enterprise project this term. Some of us presented and explained the process. There were order forms available for anyone wishing to purchase a bag. 
We are overwhelmed with the first batch of orders and thank you all for your support! :-) 

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Internet safety

Last week was interest safety day. The p4/5 class had been learning about Internet safety. We learnt all about Internet safety and safe and acceptable conduct online. All the groups spoke loudly and clearly. We particularly enjoyed their role play sketches. 

Hydration workshop

The other week we had a hydration workshop with the school nurses. We spoke about how we can become dehydrated. We also discussed how much water we should be drinking each day. We are all making an effort to drink more in school. :) 


We have been putting our leadership skills to good practice. Each week a group plan activities to do with the p1/2 class in the gym. We think about our organisation and communication skills. We have reflected on each session and discussed what went well and what could be improved.