Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Social Enterprise - Designs

For the next part of our enterprise topic, we all made designs for our cotton bags. We could either use hot or cold colours. We are now planning to print some of the designs on the cotton bags in preparation for launching our product. 

Inference skills

This term we have been learning about different types of questions. We have learned about literal, inferential and evaluative questions. When reading about Rosa Parks this week, we worked in groups to use our inference skills to determine her personality and characteristics. We were developing the skills of reading between the lines and backing out what we say with evidence from the text. 

Sunday, 29 January 2017

RME- Festival of Purim

We have been learning about the festival of Purim. We read the Story of Esther and split into groups to act on the short play. We watched each other and have feedback about our drama skills. Excellent team work everyone! 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Mock Election

To end our democracy topic, we held aock election in school. We researched different political parties and created manifestos. We also added in local priorities. In our groups we worked together to prepare our presentation. We explained the voting process and everyone in the school had the chance to vote. The Labour Party won in the end! 

Music - theme tunes

We have been playing different instruments in music. This term we have all worked together to play the James Bond theme tune. It sounded fantastic and everyone played in time together! 

Maths games

Last term we made maths games, where we were applying different maths concepts. We rotated round in groups and played the games. Some of us gave feedback about the games. 

Maths this term

Some of us are continuing with subtraction this term. We are also learning about mental and written division strategies. 

We had to solve the question using a written method for division. We then checked and peer assessed our answers using the iPad. 

We have also been learning about money. Some of us have been learning about debit and credit cards. In small groups we researched the risks and benefits of different cards. Here we are presenting to the rest of the class.