Thursday, 22 May 2014

Co-operative learning challenge

With Mrs Thomson, we were set the challenge of working in teams to create the tallest tower. The only materials we could use were newspaper and sellotape. To begin with we discussed what good team working  is and what hinders team working. We all worked well in groups and used good communication skills to build our towers - we had great fun!

We then had to measure our tower to see what height it was!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Erupting volcanoes!

This week we are learning about volcanoes around the world. In small groups today, we were set a research challenge to find out how volcanoes work, what different features there are and interesting facts about volcanoes. Some groups worked well in small groups and met the success criteria within the time limit. However, some other groups need to be more aware of the time and work at a quicker pace, this is something we'll work on.
After sharing what we learned, we then worked in different groups to follow instructions to create a volcanic eruption. Some groups followed the instructions carefully. We learned about chemical reactions and carrying out fair experiments. Some volcanoes worked better than others for different reasons we discussed.

 We carefully followed instructions to set up the experiment. 
 We used watched the different materials react...
some were quicker than others. 

We thoroughly enjoyed the volcano experiment and learning about chemical reactions!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Crystal Experiment

We have been learning about different rock types this week. We learned about Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks. In groups, we classified different rock types. We learned how Igneous rocks grow crystals. In pairs this week we decided to try and grow some crystals - fingers crossed we have crystals by next week!

 We had to follow instructions carefully.
 We measured the correct amount of water.
 We did some estimating.
After our experiment was set up, we drew up what we did and made some predictions. Over the next few days we are planning to record what happens. Photos to follow!

Monday, 12 May 2014

The Scrapstore opened today!

We were all very excited at the opening of the Scrap Store Playpod today. We used our imagination and creative skills - there were dens, beaches and motorbikes! The weather was superb and we are looking forward to break time tomorrow!

Friday, 2 May 2014

Tag Rugby Festival

We all had a very enjoyable day at the Tag Rugby Festival at the Pickaquoy Centre in Kirkwall. We participated well in our teams where we showed good team working skills and positive sportsmanship skills. The weather was on our side with not a breath of wind! Thank you to all our parent helpers, your help was very much appreciated. :-)

Team pictures

Some pictures from today..

... we all had some good runs with the ball!
Cheering each other on.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Learning about co - ordinates

Last week we started learning about co-ordinates. Everyone shared what they knew about co-ordinates and why we use these in real life. Some people gave examples of why they are used - "they are used for maps" and "they help fishermen too."

This week we have continued to learn about co-ordinates and compass bearings. We came up with a moto to remember how to find an accurate co-ordinate. Remember: "We go along the corridor first (x axis) and then up or down the stairs (y axis)."

We helped each other and are all feeling more confident with using co-oridnates and finding compass bearings.

Group work - Presenting our research

In our groups today, we planned how we were going to present the information research about each planet in the solar system. Most of us worked well in our groups together and we all had a role. Some people were better time keepers than others, but most of us completed the activity in the time limit!
We thought about presentation skills and how we can make the information eye-catching for other people to read.

We are planning to share these with each other next week and peer - assess using the success criteria we made.