Sunday, 16 March 2014

Leadership skills

In small groups, we have been planning and designing PE games. In each group, we created a warm up activity, main activity and a cool down. We had to write detailed instructions and create a list of resources required for our activities. We then thought of feedback we would like to receive from our peers once we had taught the PE activities.

 Warm up. 
 Team game. Each team had clear the obstacle course in the quickest time!
 Zumba cool down
 We all gave different parts of the activities a rating out of 10 and wrote a wish for any improvements. We all found this useful. 

Eco-house challenge

As part of the renewable energy topic, the children were set the challenge of planning and creating an eco-house in groups. The criteria involved for the eco-houses including renewable energy sources as well as the house being sustainable. Here are some photos of the initial planning stages...

Thursday, 6 March 2014

World Book Day

For World Book Day today, we went to the nursery to read stories to the younger children. We paired up and found a quiet area to read our stories - we all enjoyed reading or listening to the stories.

We found different spaces to read around the nursery.
Andrew enjoyed reading to his peedie sister, Rebecca. 

 We enjoyed reading in the igloo!

Some of us read in larger groups too.

 The nursery children were very good listeners!

We hope to return to the nursery some time soon!