This term we have been learning about renewable energy. First of all, we learned about energy and different non - renewable energy sources.
We have recently been learning about wind energy too. We are undertaking an experiment at school to decide where the windiest place at school is. We are going to distinguish where the most suitable place would be for a wind turbine - photos to follow soon!
This week we have been learning about wave and tidal energy. We are going to enter a national competition where we plan and create a wave device. Here are some photos of planning today, we used some websites to research wave devices being tested in Orkney water.
Some ideas being drawn...
We used the European Marine Energy Centre website to see what wave devices are being tested.
More ideas being drawn..
We will keep you updated with our planning process. Within the next week, we are looking forward to some visitors from the Orkney Renewable Energy Forum to help. If you have any ideas from home or are willing to help please feel free to contact us! :)