Sunday, 7 December 2014

Making chutney

We all worked together in the nursery the other week to make some chutney for our Christmas market. We learned some skills in chopping vegetables, weighing ingredients and following the recipe carefully. It smelt delicious!

Children In Need 2014

We all had a fabulous day dressed as superheroes last Friday! P5/6/7 organised events in the hall for the other pupils to attend - we raised roughly £250!! Well done everyone!

Well done everyone!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Magnetic energy

We have been learning about magnetic energy and forces. We experimented with different magnets and learned about the magnetic field. Here are some pictures of us experimenting with different magnets and iron filings. We made some predictions and tested them out...

Reading Cafe

This term, the children have been engaging in a variety of reading experiences. The children have enjoyed reading their E.R.I.C books to a peer and reading independently in quiet spaces. Here are some pictures of the children enjoying listening to stories and reading independently...

Friday, 7 November 2014

Story writing

In small groups, we were planning stories with a beginning, middle and end which included a climax. We chose a prop at random and we were set 10 minutes to create a story in our groups. We then all shared our stories with everyone. We are now planning to use our story ideas for our writing next week.

Raft Race Challenge

This term we are developing our team working skills. On Monday this week, we worked in small groups and used our problem solving skills. We used two mats as rafts and we had to transport everyone across the river. However, there were only 3 people allowed on the raft at one time and no one could be left on their own at either side of the river. We all used good communication skills too!